Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Music for Task

For our 60% task we were thinking of adding a backing track to help establish a rhythm in the sequence. In order to get the right piece of music we need to get into the mindset of when we wake up and get ready to work. We either wake up in a happy mood ready to get on with your day. So this piece of music we need it to be happy and fast to make it sound like the beat is encouraging the character out of the door. This would have to be in a major key so that the song makes the audience feel happy as it allows them to relate to the good (rare mornings) they have.  A good song that we could use here would be Mr Blue Sky as it is happy and upbeat, plus the term blue indicates a happy day because the weather is good. another good song would be "I feel good" as it is a happy song and the title expresses this. It is also well known so some people are more likely to enjoy it.

However we are more likely to have that kind of morning when you don't want to wake up and smash your alarm clock... so thats nearly every morning so we would need to have music in a minor key so the audience understand that the character is in a bad mood. It would also need to be slow to emphasise how the characters mind is moving slowly as they are tired or sad. A good song to use here for example would be any music that is slow with a piano in the background that is slow in a minor key as it represents how tired the mind is when you wake up in the morning.

We also need to link the music to what is actually going on in the film. So we need something that a teenager would listen to such as electronic, hip hop or rock. Something along those lines hat could link to his personality and how he is feeling. Its a good way of showing how the main character is feeling without him speaking.
When it came to actually choosing a song we originally went with "Sex-machine" by James Brown, we liked it as it was upbeat with a good consistent rhythm. However right as we juuuussstt finished editing all the clips in time with the music we realized that we had to and couldn't get copyright as the song was just to far well known. So we had to scrap that idea and look for a non copyright piece of music to prevent haste. In the end we were able to reedit this track into the clip in time with all the cuts in the editing.

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