Friday, 22 April 2016

Evaluation question 7

7. Looking back at your preliminary task what do you think you have learnt in progression from it to your full task?
We have learnt that we need to keep certain shots in the exact same place. This then could lead to interchangeable shots. Buts its important to keep the camera in the exact same spot for the same perspectives so we learnt from the preliminary task to film the different shots separately even if the sequences weren't in order so the shot location could remain the same.
We also learnt the very valuable lesson of not breaking the 180 degree rule in our preliminary task which were very careful to avoid in our actual final task.
We were also careful to keep an eye out on the surrounding Mise en Scene because in the preliminary task the background was very cluttered with household items so when we came to film in our main characters room we had to make it cluttered to make it look like a teenagers room but then tidy so the audience didn't get distracted from the main sequence of flow of the short film opening.
We also learned about actually following a script this time around where as in the preliminary task we just sort of made it up as we went along which led to the task being unorganized and not making any sense confusing the audience.
Lighting was also a issue in the preliminary task as we used artificial lighting which made the task look like the lighting was not supposed to be there. So in the actual task we decided to only use natural lighting (as much as possible) for a more realistic feel as if the audience was watching real life rather than a film.

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Evaluation question 6

This is my 6th evaluation question

Just so you know there are some bloopers at the beginning as I just felt like the video itself just deemed a little too serious and uptight so I think the bloopers here helped because they're fun to watch and they show how things went behind the scenes of filming this task.

If you do want to skip them just fast forward to 0.28 of the video. Enjoy!